Monday, 15 January 2007


Client: Quaker Trading
Brand: Quick & Hearty
Category: Hot breakfast Cereals
Research by: NOP

North West England

Of those who only saw the television commercial only:
1% claimed to have purchased Quick and Hearty in the past 4 weeks.

Those who had seen the interactive programme 9% claimed to have purchased. An increase in +800%.

In London

There was no television advertising for Quick and Hearty the purchase of Quick & Hearty in the control area was 0%.

In the interactive test area last 4 weeks purchase was 4% and increase of +700%

In both regions the interactive programme generated a 9% positive intention to purchase.

This was twice the level generated in the North West & Midlands, and over three times that of the non advertising area in London.

It is therefore a reasonable conclusion that the interactive booklet led to an enhanced interest in purchasing Quick & Hearty when next buying a breakfast cereal.

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