To help me discover what Advertising and Marketing articles you would like to see please take the time to answer the following questions and email your answers back to me on
Question 1:
Currently I have approximately fifty-three (53) articles published on various Ezine sites on the Web. Have you found them to be?
1. Interesting?
2. Beneficial?
3. Too negative.?
4. Reflective of the current state of marketing and advertising?
5. I haven't read any of your articles.
Question 2.:
Do you agree that feedback is the key element of any communication process?
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I think that feedback & interaction are fundamental to successful communication.
4. I feel that far too little notice has been taken of the whole interactive process.
5. Do you think that game playing and Interactivity substantially improve the process of communication?
Please respond so as to enable me to provide advertising and marketing articles that you require so that we can all benefit from a mutually satisfying learning process.
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Если врач знает название вашей болезни, это еще не значит, что он знает что это такое. Никогда не приписывай человеческой зловредности того, что можно объяснить обыкновенной глупостью. Человек может долго жить на деньги которые он ждет. Реальность это иллюзия вызываемая отсутствием алкоголя. Женщины едят за разговорами, мужчины едят заедой.
Hi Paul,
There are lots of internet marketing services and based on what I have learned from reading the policy/rules and regulation of one of the top search engines in the world, I should beware for those internet marketing service that instead of getting my website into the top it may violate the search engine's policy. Violating this policy means my website may not be seen in their search list anymore instead.
Hope you could help me on this.
Please drop comment @
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
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