On-line research has some major advantages.
It is often less expensive than standard methods and also quicker to yield
#results. However, as currentlypracticed, it is fatally flawed."We're
perpetuating a fraud," is what Simon Chadwick has to say. Mr. Chadwick is
former head of NOP Research in the U.K. and is now principal of Cambiar, a
Phoenix consultancy.
Surveys tend to poll the same people over and over.In fact, a study done by
ComScore Networks indicated that one-quarter of one percent of the
population provides about one-third of all on-line responses. This means that
instead of getting one vote, each of these respondents is getting the equivalent
of 128 votes.We are getting the same people responding over and over again to
earn points so they can win a toaster. Or as Mr. Chadwick calls them,
"professional respondents who go hunting for...dollars. What's so terrible about
professional respondents, you might ask? Pulitzer Prize winning New York
Times science writer Natalie Angier says: Nothing tarnishes the
credibility of a sample like the desire to be sampled.... a good pollster will
hound and re-hound the very people who least want to cooperate. So not
only are these people ridiculously over-represented, they are the wrong
people. "It's like the hole in the ozone layer," said Shari Morwood,
VP-worldwide market research at IBM in an article in Advertising
Age. "Everyone knows it's a growing problem. But they just ignore it and
go on to the next project." Kim Dedeker, VP-consumer and market
knowledge at P&G, describes an example in which online and mail surveys
came up with diametrical results. "If I only had the online result.... I would have
taken a bad decision right to the top management," she said. In another case,
two surveys conducted a week apart by the same online researcher yielded
completely different recommendations. Furthermore, most of these on-line
researchers don't validate their samples. They don't know who is responding. It
could be my daughter using my computer saying she's me. Or saying she's you
for that matter. And if all that weren't enough, many of them don't limit
I can log in as five different people and respond five different times. Or
fifty. Or a hundred and twenty-eight. Another lovely bit of hokum they
perpetrate is the degree of confidence. They tell us that their results are
accurate with a 95% degree of confidence. However, they never quite tell
us what it is that they're confident about. Is it that, in general, a study with
this many legitimate respondents will be statistically valid 95% of the time? Or
is it that their interpretation of subjective data will be 95% accurate (by the
way, no one's interpretation of subjective data is 95% accurate) Or is it
something else? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt for a minute and
say that their sample is legitimate (which is highly unlikely) and that they
are brilliant people who can interpret data almost flawlessly. Let's take a
look at what 95% degree of confidence means under the best of circumstances.
Once again we'll turn to Ms. Angier from her book The Canon. Here's an
example she gives. You go for an HIV test. You test positive. The test is said
to be 95% accurate. This means you have a 95% chance of having the HIV
virus, right? Not even close. What it means is that 95% of the time people who
have the HIV virus will test positive. But it also means that 5% of the time
people who do not have the HIV virus will test positive. Now let's say
you live in a town with 100,000 people. Fortunately, the HIV virus is very rare
and only appears in 1 person out of 350. So in your town of 100,000 people,
this means that there will be about 285 people with the HIV virus (100,000
divided by 350). But if we tested all the people in your town, we would get
about 5,000 positives (remember, 5% of the time people who do not have the
virus will test positive) and almost all of these 5,000 positives would be
false.,mIn fact when you do the math, after testing positive not only is
there not a 95% chance you have the virus, there is about a 5% chance you have
it. And an almost 95% chance you don't have the virus.* So much for a 95%
level of confidence.We advertising and marketing people are drowning in
opinions and starving for facts. But we have to be very careful about
distinguishing between the two. In the advertising world, research is no
different from creative work. Some of it is very good, some of it is worthless
and dangerous.To figure out the accuracy of the result, you divide the total
number of true positives you'd expect from your sample (95% of 285, or 271)
by the total number of true and false positives (5,257) and you wind up with a
probability of having the HIV virus is actually about 5.2%, not 95%. If you
can't follow the math, and you don't trust me, don't worry. You can trust Ms.
Angier, she has a Pulitzer Prize. All I have interactive marketing
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