Monday, 31 May 2010

What on earth are they teaching to-day at Business Schools?

What on earth are they teaching these days at Business Schools?


Because it certainly does not include honesty. It can be said with certainty that the current global financial crisis was created by the utter dishonesty of the banks.

The reputations of the largest corporations in the world are being questioned more and more as a tsunami of evidence emerges as to the utter indifference of Top-down-Management to their customers needs and expectations.

And the weasel words used by Marketing and Advertising agencies to justify spending (and thus wasting) more and more ineffectual advertising on new and old media are examples of creatively brilliant lying!

Traditional TV advertising is under further threat as the take-up of personal video recorders (PVRS) soars, and still they recommend advertising on TV, where no research evidence has ever emerged as to its efficiency and accountability.

Just how dishonest is the Advertising Industry?

For thirty years at least there has been a well researched, well documented communications technique that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that interactive communication, properly executed, is far more cost effective than traditional advertising. However given the method of remuneration enjoyed by the Advertising Agencies/Media

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Yahoo Research states:

"A Large majority of web-users (79|%) demand something of value for heeding ads whether that 'something' is pure entertainment, a relevant message or access to something new."

A. Rewarding
B. Entertainment.
C. Relevant.
D. Engaging.



Friday, 28 May 2010

Who’s running your organization?


Who’s running your organization?


Your customers, that’s who!


Or should be!



So don’t you think that you ought to start a regular dialogue with him or


her, as the case may be?



The word empowerment is a very overused word. However in the near future the primary strategic marketing communications battle will be to see who goes furthest in empowering their customers.


To empower your customers you will have to:

  1. Provide them with far more information than you currently do.

  2. Allow them to make decisions about you and your company together with your resources.

  3. Give them plenty of choice.

  4. Give them the perception of control!

  5. Allow them to feel that they are running your organisation!

Because anything that tightens your relationships with an existing customer increases the revenue you get from your customer.

And the only form of communication that can do all the above so that you do tighten your grip on your customer is…. Interactive communication!


Because interactive communication allows you to have an ongoing debate with your customers and your prospects, make regular interactive conversations available where they can debate not only about your products and services but the very soul of your company. Because that will be much more powerful than just putting your advertisement on television (or wherever) or I’m going to sell my goods in Tesco (or wherever).


Then, when you get asked, “Who’s running your business?” you can honestly reply, “My customers through genuine interactive programmes!” and earn major brownie points!


Because the problems with the current system are manifest. The challenges faced by marketing and advertising stem largely from the institutional dimensions of

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